Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Man Who Can't Be Moved

A story about someone yg aku kenal back then.Maybe would be nice to share here.
Btw,aku rasa lagu ni kena dengan situation dia,so might want to play the video while reading this. =)

Nama dia "M",aku study same course dengan dia di Uni dulu.M kenal seorang budak perempuan which name "F".
M suka kat F but F just anggap M sebagai kawan.Thing get worst bila F layan M more than that.
F selalu ajak M keluar makan.Kalau ada masalah F selalu mengadu kat M.Kalau dia moody the only thing that make F happy is talking to M.

Well,it's wierd..o_O"

But F anggap M sebagai kawan.

M pernah datang kat ak dan berbincang tntg ni.Katanye mayb dia kena terima hakikat yg F x de pape perasaan kt dia skng.So he plan to stop,tapi bukan give up.Katanye maybe one day kalau dia takde sape2 lagi tempat nak mengadu,aku akan sentiasa ada.Aku akan duduk dan tunggu kat situ,in case kalau dia balik.

Hmmm...aku ckap ngn dia this is risky.Tapi aku respect how honest he like that girl.So,aku biar kan dia teruskan pilihan yg dia buat.

F rasa risau kalau M betul2 suka dia dan dia x dpt bls perasaan M,which one day akan hurt M.So she ask her friend how to solve this problem.They gave her some idea.And so with her friend,they making some scene,which make M feel like he should give up.

It's work.But with price.

M dtg kat aku.He told me that dia confuse kenapa M create that kind of situation,while he try hard to stop from doing unnecessary thing to F.Kalau dia honestly ckp dgn M yg dia xmo ade relationship ngn M and prefer friendship lg,aku rasa M boleh terima semua tu.

Kata M:

"Dia buat macam ak sgt desperate nak kat dia.Although ak btl2 sukakan dia,tapi aku tahu untuk handle perasaan aku n not step over the yellow line.I been trying so hard every day to comfort my heart from being in relationship to friendship.From what she done,I can see the msg very clear.But it was too harsh."

Kesian M,he actually want to stop the feeling coz he feel that it's going to make F uncomfortable.He sacrifice the feeling for the sake of friendship.Kata org, lg baik dr x dapat ape2 kan.Tapi sayangnya F misunderstood M,and without looking deep inside the situation,she just doing reckless thing.

But M was a strong person,he's working hard with his feeling everyday.Despite of  the damage he received,he become even better. Success in life and study.Last time aku jumpe dia macam artis,but still humble dan polite.Tak pernah sombong,dan paling penting sangat2 cool.Mana jalan pun mesti ade awek2 yg usha kat dia.

Aku tanya dia,sama ada dh berpunye ke belum dia ckp:

"Belum,aku ni failed sket klo bab girl.So aku still selesa single buat masa ni"

"Ke ko still tunggu dia.Sayang kot,dah hensem2 n cool cam ni,ko deserve something better than that"

"Hahahaha...kot.Aku mungkin akn tunggu lame sket.Tapi ak tak tau ape cite sal dia.Lagipun apa yg aku usahakan dlm hidup aku selama ni bukan la semata-mata disebabkan dia.Semuanya sbb ak nk jd someone better at least tuk org yg akan stay dlm hidup ak nnti.So kalau aku cari dia sekarang,aku takut dia sendiri rasa malu tuk face aku.Tapi aku tau skrng ni dia learn alot of thing from this world.Good thing,bad thing...and i hope she learned it well.Then kalau dia rasa dia perlukan aku,baru lah dia datang carik aku.Coz aku still kat sini lagi.Waiting as much as i can.Tapi xleh la lama2 sgt kan..haha.Aku ni normal human gak..hehe"

"Nice said bro"


F ade somewhere around here.Working,becoming fine woman.And ehem..single.She's regret that she pick the wrong person and left out the right one.

Other side:

F pernah ckp kat aku dulu dia sukakan M tapi situation x mmbenarkan feeling tu tuk grow.
Owh aku lupa nk ksk tau...F dah ade boyfriend mase di Universiti dulu. =)

So pandai2 la korang judge.


Here some valuable lesson:

Be honest.
Don't over think the situation.
Friend can be the worst place to ask about opinion,especially feeling.If you a wise person,you can solve this problem by yourself.
Don't pick the wrong guy.
If you like someone.Jangan susahkan hidup dia.Our main priority to like someone is to make them happy.Remember that.Kalau dia tak happy,baik tak payah.Same goes to someone we like,kalau dia tak buat kita rasa happy,there is no point to like them.Tp ade je still suka someone although dia x penah happy kan kite.Yang tu mmg carik nahas ar...Contohnye ehem..tuan punye blog ni..cough cough.

Macam real kan?Tapi malangnya semua kat atas ni hanyalah fiksyen semata-mata.

Well,korang fikirlah sendiri,korang bukan budak2 lagi..hehe =)
Have a nice day.
Selamat hari natal kpd kawan2 yg beragama kristian.
Selamat menyambut tahun baru,early wish!!

Kalau suka tu,biar ikhlas.It last long than you ever imagine it.


'Cause If one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on our corner of the street
So I'm not moving, I'm not moving,
I'm not moving, I'm not moving


  1. who's that M and F? ;p

    someone yg aku prefer untuk kedua-dua pilihan di atas tu adalah yg second..dan sudah tentulah org tu pun ko kenal..bhahaha..

  2. xleh ksk tau a sha..dh jnji dgn tuan punye cite.hehe
    org tu mmg ak kenal pon,mslhnye dia x hntr lg nasi minyak kt aku ni..hehe

  3. err..err..itu aku pon takleh nak jawab..ko kena la tanya die sendiri..;p
