Thursday, November 14, 2019

Who do you think you are?

If you're happy as what you said now,then why did you treat others badly?

Don't you know, part of your happiness come from the help of others before?

Did you just say that those people annoyed you?They don't respect you?So that's the reason why you won't treat them nicely?

Let me gave you some reality check,kid.

When you came to them before,you just a stranger.You were nobody, annoying,rude,you have no respect to elder and to the people you just met.

Yet,when you asked for help,those people gave their hand to you.Despite of you rudeness and annoying attitude,they still helped you.

For so many years,they still treat you nicely.Support you.They even helped solved the ridiculous problem you had with others in your daily life and in the workplace.And not even one 'thank you' come from your mouth or from your attitude.

Still they dont mind,and treat you nicely.

So let me ask you a question :
For all the attitude that you show to them right now, trying to justify yourself,and making them bad guys.

Do you think you have the right to do so?

And who do you think you are???

F***in asshole.

If only those people gave the authority to me to handle you..i will make you regret living in this world.

Consider yourself lucky,kid.

Remember,you not the only one with problem in this world.

Everyone walked the same path you walk right now.So don't get cocky if you happened to have a ride,because who make that ride possible for you....?

Those people...those same people that you fuckin right now.

Learn to be humble,learn to talk when need,learn to accept advice from others.