Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Bila orang baik nak jadi jahat.
Thursday, September 9, 2021
TMnet yang lembab.
Menunggu TMnet masuk taman macam bulan jatuh ke riba.
Dah nak masuk setahun,berapa kali isi borang,berapa kali surat sokongan ketua kampung,aku pun dah tak kira.Kesian geng taman aku yang kena follow up kes ni.
Kerja aku dah masuk hujung tanduk.
Maxis Air memang tak boleh diharap,bila quota habis,macam gile Parsec.Frame skip,playblast lompat2.Klik button delay 2-3 sec,nak gerak controller kena tunggu delay action.Keje gile...1 pagi nak kena bangun buat kerja,sebab time tu la speed laju,sebab traffic low.
Penat macam ni,aku sayang kerja aku.Aku takde masalah dengan salary,dengan workload.dengan management di department aku..tapi aku macam rasa ada je benda nak jadi macam Allah nak suruh aku move on dari kerja ni.
Baru-baru ni aku discover,yang sangkut bukan connection aku,walaupun maxis air slow,still boleh stream netflix,youtube.
Aku off sume dan on Parsec opis aku,terus hang,drop frame..slow connection.
Mula2 aku tak suspect lagi.
Then parsec hang lagi,sangkut2.Aku terus double klik icon netflix kat dekstop aku,play sitcom friend.Susprisingly laju.
Aku on youtube,random video 720p.
Seperti yang dijangka,streaming tak sangkut.
Aku on parsec,bukak maya,delay....tarik timeline,delay kaw2.On playblast,lompat frame kaw2.
Aku terkasima....
Recently alot of co worker aku complain tentang lag,mostly yang guna fiber,and bile ayam tambatan report baru la orang atasan percaya connection kat opis problem.
kes aku?....well~
After all aku kena panggil meeting,kena tiaw,sampai xde excuse,habis duit beli laptop...all this time aku duk blame salah aku sendiri,rupa2 nya problem datang dari opis sendiri.
Aku speechless,ak tak tau nak cakap ape.
Minggu ni 18sec workload.
Aku berharap dorang potong 2 shot,but nope.Aku malas nak bersuara,base on pengalaman lepas,aku dah agak apa ayat drg akan bagi.
Dengan quota maxis dh habis,aku dah tau this not gonna work well.
Tapi aku still jalan.Ahad lepas setel rumah aku buat blocking,dengan merangkak2 aku buat sampai 3 pagi,then rehat.
Hari ni rabu,dateline.
Aku bgtau yang workload ni terlalu berat tuk aku finishkan on time.So aku mintak budi bicara,sekurang2nya approval dan masa tuk siapkan.
Ok lah,no pressure.Walaupun slow,thing work well...jauh lagi tapi aku plan satu per satu.
6pm lead tanya progress,ak report.
Lead tanye feedback,so ak bagi pendapat aku,drg tau ak ade masalah connection,aku harap drg blh bagi shot pendek2,banyak2 pun takpe,asalkan x panjang sebab lagging and susah nak finishkan dalam keadaan macam ni.
Seperti biasa jawapan yg aku paling tak boleh terima : "amik inisiatif hari weekend kalau rasa workload heavy."
Well ..... im done.
Mentaliti yang sama,over and over again.Kau rasa kalau aku on weekend connection laju ke?Its still the same.Why would i spend my weekend to work while i need a rest from all this stress?Ape aku ni bukan manusia ke?I'm been working on weekends for 8 years!! Under my own initiative.And now when i need time to rest properly and work normally aku kena kecam tak amik inisiatif kerja weekend?
WTF man.
Hari ni aku setelkan kerja sebelum jam 12.Esok aku nak request cuti seminggu.After that aku akan fikirkan ke mana aku nak bawa diri.
Im semua gile.Ade je benda nak menjawab dekat aku.Aku fed up.
Pagi ni aku research job around area rumah aku.Isi borang recruitment dan hantar email dengan resume.
Sementara tunggu brief,masak breakfast dan tengok tutorial PHP kat youtube.
Aku reply chat dari leader dengan cara yang elok.Aku masih marah tapi aku kena be profesional,lagipun aku masih respect leader2 aku terutama yang dah berkeluarga.
Kalau boleh aku taknak ade beef dgn dorang even after aku tukar kerja nanti.If possible la,its all depend kat dorang.
Ingatkan aku dah sampai destination,end up just pit stop je....yare yare.
Jauh lagi perjalanan nampaknya.
Saturday, June 12, 2021
Its what you've got.
Friday, May 14, 2021
Raya PKPD and living well
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Its time to move on.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Another imposter
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Keep movin on.
Hari sabtu yang ditunggu-tunggu akhirnya tiba.
Semalam gaji masuk,jadi hari ni aku decide tuk pergi DIY beli barang-barang tuk pasang tinted cermin rumah.
Gara-gara layan Jdrama 'Border' semalam,hari ni aku oversleep.huhu
Member seopis yang tumpang bilik aku hari ni balik rumah family dia,jumpa bini.Zaman covid ni terpaksa lah PJJ kan.Nak buat macam mana,redha je la ketentuan Allah.Semua ada hikmahnya.
So hari ni aku spring cleaning bilik aku.Aku jenis tak boleh nak kemas kalau ade orang.Mula-mula aku serabut nak start dari mana.Then aku start humban semua benda ke tengah bilik,susun,dan organize satu-satu.
Selepas 5 jam berkemas akhirnya bilik ak kembali ke wajah asalnya,dah dekat sebulan lebih aku tak rasa bilik aku luas macam XD
Well,honestly,aku sangat pakar dalam organize dan manage benda yang dah serabut.Benda yang beyond repair yang orang dah give up,serahkan kat aku.Confirm setel.
Sebab tu instead of leading,aku lebih suka managing.Bila kita manage something,kita akan slowly learn tentang something,by then perpektif kita akan lebih terbuka dan kita dapat kenal pasti problem yang sebenar.Kemudian baru la kita susun stratergi tuk solve problem tu dengan adil.
Aku prefer assistant rather than leader.Sebab aku dapat banyak masa tuk fikir dan solve problem.Aku prefer second man dari jadi 1st man.Aku lebih prefer kerja belakang tadbir instead jd role actor (except the time aku jadi main actor time Uni dulu,satunye jd Juliet,yup juliet!!! and satu lagi sebagai Ehsan si nelayan yang selamat kan Puteri,main role for drama yg drg pinjam skrip dari Aswara...aaahh rindu zaman ni,masa ni aku tengah jatuh cinta,beria-ia berlakon nak impress someone.)Maybe next time aku akan buat post pasal ni.
Aku faham apa yang Ayumu Aikawa rasa..bro i feel you~😭
Lepas hantar baju ke laundry aku terus drive ke Space U8.DIY kat sini besar dan dekat luar.Tak perlu susah2 nak masuk mall jauh2 jumpa ramai orang.
Spoil mood sikit,bila aku marah orang yang drive kereta secara merbahaya,hampir nak langgar budak food panda.Kebetulan depan ada roadblock.Depan2 polis aku sekolah dorang.Kesian abang polis kena layan aku haha.
Tinted yang dijual tak banyak,maybe aku kena jugak beli kat shopee.Tapi aku try beli segulung untuk test kat tingkap belakang.Aku beli sekali ngn pita pengukur,barang2 tuk pasang tinted dan accessory menukang lain.
Geram tengok barang2 gardening and deco rumah.Tangan aku gatal je nak beli...lek sabar lu,sabar lu...fuhhh.
Sebelum sampai rumah aku singgah ke seksyen 20,pusing2 habiskan minyak.Kedai autowash tutup pulak.Takpe la drive je la,layan sunset,sambil-sambil dengar lagu.
Tapau CB ikan bakar abang sado,tapi aku tapau nasi goreng udang je,malas plak nak ikan bakar dinner nanti.
Dalam kereta kuat gile bau nasi goreng dia,sampai aku masuk liff pun masih lagi kuat bau dia.Betul-betul sado eh nasi goreng dia..hahahha
Well,besok maybe tengok rumah,kira ukuran dapur sume bagai.
Malam ni just lepak layan-layan youtube,usha2 gambar travel and sambil2 carik lagu tuk buat MV.
Although thing seem to be tak berapa nak bagus di opis,but still aku bersyukur dengan life yang aku ada sekarang.Walaupun dapat bnyk cold shoulder and abit of passive-aggresive behavior dari a lot of co worker yang still percaya dengan fitnah and khabar angin lepas,at least some senior dan co worker yang aku kenal banyak bantu aku tuk bangun balik.
Sekurang-kurangnya apa yang aku plan dah nampak hasilnya.To be honest aku tak sabar nak masuk rumah baru.This is going to be another chapter in my life.Woohooo~
Sumpah excited!!~
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Living with An Asshole
Every one of us has a friend that knows the 'TRUTH' but decided to keep it for themself.
-this 'truth' can save a friend from choosing the wrong path.
-this 'truth' can help a friend to solve a problem and prevent it from getting bigger and worst.
-but most of all this 'truth' can self someone's life.
Yet this particular friend chooses to keep the 'truth' rather than telling it to the person who needs it.
The damage was done, people get injured, physically and mentally. All the bonding, relationship, and trust broke beyond repair.
This particular friend will come to you and pat your shoulder. Slowly they said :
"If you choose the other path, the thing wouldn't be this mess. You were overthinking. this whole time your were imagining thing in a different way. You fought the war you should not engage. I knew it because I already knew the TRUTH before."
At that time you got nothing but emptiness while your whole body being stab by a thousand arrows.
Yet they never tell you the 'truth' until the end.
Given time, you brave enough to recover thanks to the help of people who sympathize with you. Although it hard you decide to restart your life and start a new leaf. Things are getting better for you.
Suddenly this particular friend comes to you with a smiley face. They said:
"I have a problem that I can't solve, I plan to ask others but I'm afraid they won't help me. You the only one I trust. Would you mind listen to my problem and help me solve it?
You know i have a problem with etc,etc,etc,etc,...please help talk to them about etc,etc,etc...I think I'm doing good but why people seem to etc, etc, etc..anyway please solve this for me."
If you have this kind of friend in your life, let me give you and advice.
This is not a friend, but an 'asshole'.
If you value your life, future, and people around you, delete them from your list.
There is no good keeping this kind of people in your life. Because they are full with B's.
Telling others about them won't do you any good. It will backfire you back. Trust me, I been there.
Here a tip:
-Avoid mingle around with them. Do it only if necessary in a professional way. Because they will refrain themself if they see you around. After all, the one who knows their true nature is you.
-Give them time and space to get involved with society. People like them love hanging around with big group or organizer because it serves them good and makes them feel superior to other. Through time the mask will slowly be broken and its true nature revealed.
-With enough time, society will realize what an asshole they were. Some might be stupid to realize it, but most of them will surely getting fed up especially the closest one. When that happens you no longer associated with these particular people, and their problem becomes a pain in the ass for society to fix.
-It took time, so meanwhile, just focus on what you have and the good friends you have around you.
-Remember, 'Kifarah' is real.