Monday, March 26, 2012


Hello kawan.

Jangan pernah terfikir to bring along somebody with you,if you will end up ignoring them later.

Tak setuju?

Then,stop ignoring them.


 p/s:actually dulu ak penah buat camni,walaupun ak x terniat,but still rasa mmg salah ak,sbb ignoring harap2 korang x lah buat cm ak ni ye..=)

i repeat,word doesn't kill you,unless you want it too

Sunday, March 25, 2012

When this world is no more,The moon is all we'll see

Warning~ contain spoiler.

Freebird developed this indie game collaborated with Laura Shigihara who's made the song in Zombie vs Plant.Beautiful and Sad.Maybe aku akan beli game ni bila ada peluang.

Last week aku spend half of my day watching walkthrough of this game.Totally awesome,tak sangka storytelling can be done well even dalam game.Aku rasa macam duduk dan tengok movie.

Berkisarkan tentang Johnny who spend his last breath while hoping that his dream will come true.2 Orang doktor di tugaskan dalam misi tuk menjadikan impian terakhir Johnny di makbulkan .River as one that spend her life with Johnny will become the main part of this story plot.

Seriusly,even kalau tak main game ni pun,try watching this walkthrough.Because the message that contain in this game might trigger something dalam hidup korang.This might give you some inspiration about how you look on you life right now.

Jarang nak jumpe material yang macam ni nowaday~

Credit to  
Ade 6 part semuanye.Good luck watching~ enjoy yourself.Hope you found something in it.

Short steps
Deep breath
Everything is alright
Chin up
I can't
Step into the spotlight
She said
I'm sad
Somehow without any words
I just
Stood there
Searching for an answer

When this world is no more
The moon is all we'll see
I'll ask you to fly away with me
Until the stars all fall down
They empty from the sky
But I don't mind

If you're with me
Then everything's alright

Why do 
My words
Always lose their meaning
What I feel
What I say
There's such a rift between them
He said
I can't
He really seemed to read you
I just
Stood there
Never know what I should do 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

From SS2 to Mentari

Meet an old friend of mine today.And i come up with this.

Kita akan rasa lega bile kita dapat duduk sama level dengan kawan2 yg kita kenal dulu.
Bila berjumpa masing2 ada benda yang nak di banggakan.Ada benda yg nak di kongsi sebagai inspirasi.

Seolah-olah kita rasa yang kita berada di track yang betul.
Perasaan lega apabila semua penat dan masalah yg kita tempuh sebelum ni berbaloi.




Kita rasa malu duduk semeja dengan kawan2 lama.
Kita tak tahu nak bercerita tentang apa,tak ada perkara yang nak di kongsi,tak ada perkara yang nak dibanggakan.

Seolah2 kita rasa kita seorang je yang tersalah jalan.
Rasa menyesal sebab tak berusaha dan asyik merungut bila jumpe masalah sebelum ni.


Dalam hidup ni,ada perkara yg kita terpaksa akur tuk follow the flow.Walaupun aku akui yg aku mmg x suka follow the flow,aku lebih suka ikut jalan dan buat ape yg aku suka.But then,sometime there's a thing in life,it's always wrong for us to begin with,but end up as the right one at the end.
Suka atau tak,we have to deal with it.don't end up being someone that stuck on second situation up there.

As a friend who nearly survive the second one,please listen to my advice.
Don't give up,don't think too much bout what will you be in the future.The present right now,give it all you can.


I'm glad right now,I can sit and talk happily with my old friends.Sharing my experiences.To be honest,for the past few year i live under that "second situation".But if you willing to change then it's always a way,tone of it out there.
And i took that change.

P/s:lepak2 ngn bai,najib,acap ngn jali at murni sure change alot.And we all have a nice conversation.Guess tak rugi kalau berusaha lebih sikit kan tuk future.

Aku tersubcribe Rebecca Cruel(Flint) o_0"

Monday, March 19, 2012

The King & The Rook

Pandai betul manusia memutarbelitkan keadaan.

Bila King dlm keadaan terancam,dia boleh switch position dengan Rook.Rook yg berusaha selama ni pertahankan King,end up menjadi mangsa.

Lagi teruk bila King menjadikan Rook punca kekalahan,gara2 tindakan Rook yg mengorbankan diri demi tuk pertahankan King

Lain kali biarkan saja King tu mati.

Ikhlas, nasihat dari seorang kawan.


Sekarang dah pandai buka topeng.Let's play the game.Shall we?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Peaking on a "Dream"

Happiness is...

The people you love...
love you back. ♥

Pegi Matta fair ngn kupang n jali.That "business card" betul2 buat aku tak leh duduk diam.This is it,the dream that i wanted so much.aku tak tau the timing is right or wrong,or just ujian dari tuhan.aku perlukan masa tuk berfikir.Relax~~ fuuuuuhhhhh -_-"