Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dari Uptown ke Kucing

Objektif tuk bulan ni dh setel,td ak beli Animation Survival Kit kt Border,thnx to Bana tlg inform kan sal buku ni.Smngt aku nk keje sok.

Singgah rumah jap tuk smpn buku,pastu ak plan ke uptown s.alam.Beli ape2 yg patut,ak rase bnyk baju yg ak pakai x matching with each other.

Rumah gelap,sama ada bery x bngun lg or dia x kuar lg dr bilik sejak pagi td.Baru je ak nk bukak pintu bilik ,tibe2 terdengar bunyi pintu bery terbuka.Dengan muka Troll dia ajak ak g makan. Kenape la time ni ko nk g mkn T_T.McD plak tu~.Aku suh dia nek moto,snng skit,blk leh trus g uptown.Tapi dia xnk,dia nak jln kaki gak.So terpakse la aku ikut jalan kaki.Xpe sempat lg nk ke uptown.Teman dia mkn sejam,kul 9.45 ak gerak ar ke sana.

Mase kt McD kiterang discuss tntg kes kecurian.Kate Bery:

"I think people who like art such as music,manga,animation won't do this kind of thing.Well that just my opinion." x semua la.

and then tiba2,hujan.....uwaaaaaaah uptownnnn!!! akhirnya ak trpkse spend xtra 1hour,which left me no choice but to refill air aku..haihz malang betul.

In the end,aku dh xde mood nk g,sbb sok keje,ak xnk gune energy bnyk sgt mlm ni.


Ondway blk,bery singgah 7e.Mase nk kuar tibe2 seekor kucing lari msuk ke dlm 7e.Aku pnggl dia kuar,then bery ckp "Jgn itu kawan saya".Dia beli makanan kucing kat 7e dan letak atas pinggan kertas yg dia ambil kt dlm 7e.Mcm tau2 je,kucing tu kuar dan pegi ke arah bery.Comel kucing ni,manja2.Tiba2 awek yg jage kaunter kuar,bwk seko anak kucing warna perang.Kate dia yg seko ni duk bwh kaunter dari td.Org yg lalu lalang sume wat muke pelik tngk ktrng.Ok,aku pun rase pelik,tp dorang berdua ni rilek je.Cam dah biase buat.

Sebelum sampai rumah bery ckp: "I anggap kucing tu mcm manusia.Kalau dia hensem,cantik or comel i kasik dia makan.Kalau x hensem,x cntik,x comel,i pun x layan punye"

Hooo...betul jugak.Manusia slalu camtu.Ade rupa semua ok.Kalo xde rupe x pandang pun.Apetah lg nk kesian.

Kate bery lagi:"Kucing ksk dia makan,dia dtang punya.Kalau tak dia pun xmo dtg.Orang pun mcm tu juga.Kalau anjing dia igt sape yg ksk dia mkn,tp kucing as long as ade org mau ksk dia mkn,dia akn pegi kt org tu.Klo org tu xmo ksk mkn lg,dia akn pegi kt org len pulak"

Jackpot bery~that one aku betul2 agree.

To be honest,ak blh describe sesetngah org dgn "kucing".

Tapi x blh nk nafikan kucing ni cute,manja yg plng best ialah inesen hehe.

Tapi td aku nmpk kucing yg bery ksk makan pergi ke arah ank kucing perang tu dgn gaye gangster,smpai takut ank kucing tu terus lari.

See pecah tembelang.Heh aku dah boleh agk dah.Luar nmpk comel tp hakikatnye...hehe
Manusia pun cmtu gk.
Kan? =)

Tapi ade setengah org yg treat dgn baik sume kucing yg dia jmpe tak kire comel atau tak,bulu cntik or berkurap,sama ade kucing tu gigit org or gedik.Dari situ kite dh blh nmpk hati dia mcm mane.

Bukan sekadar cakap :"waah suke...comel"


collect gmbr kucing yg comel2 


pegang dan layan unknown cat depan public


terase nk bela kucing


bile blkng org,kucing mengiau bnyk kali dh start rase annoyed.

dtg kucing yg x brp nk comel trus geli n rase nk hempuk.

dah bela,time kucing berak n kencing kita naik angin 

so ni pun mengambarkn sifat dan peribadi org tu mcm mana.
tngk je mcm mane org tu melayan binatang,kita blh assume serba sedikit tntg sifat dia.
menarik kan =)
tp xde la 100%.

cube bace kisah sahabat yg sgt mnyayangi kucing smpi Nabi S.A.W menggelarkan beliau "bapa kucing jantan"

"..menyayangi kucing peliharaan, seperti menyayangi keluarga sendiri." pesan Nabi S.A.W

p/s:walaupun xdpt ke uptown,tp hr ni ak dpt bnyk pengajaran yg berguna.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Hello Dragon,some Kitty need a lesson this year.

Sometime good kitty bite you,
Lie between pretender and innocent,
It's pretty hard to judge this type of kitty.

But what goes around comes around,
No matter how innocent we might be,
Someday we might have to pay the price for what we done.

Well,that's the price for being good and ignorant halfway.

My advice,go moderate.You will survive much longer,and you won't bite either.

p/s:nxt week blk johor,hmm ape benda yg ak nk belikan tuk anak buah aku..hmm hmmm naseb baik bulan ni uncle ko dpt gaji awal...phewwww o_0"

Friday, January 13, 2012

Keep it or sell?

I bought a 'book',
Did't realized it was the same 'book' I bought last year,
The only thing that make it look different was the cover,
Everything inside remain the same with the previous one.
That seller just taking advantage of me,
But I enjoyed reading that 'book'.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Sending the msg but failed,signal lost?
Too lazy to fix the transmitter right now.

May be your receiver out of tune.
And you too,lazy to re-tune it.

How bout we fix it later,after both of us in mood again,and i'll re-send the msg at the right time and place.
Till then,take care and good luck.

p/s:....walk cycle~ habis la!! T_T

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Daiji na Mono ga ima Kimi ni Kawarunda

Sila play lagu di atas tuk kesan yg lagi drastik~LOL

Kekenyangan makan kat sushi king,sunway pyramid.Thank to Uber and family sebab datang.Sejuk hati mak dia dpt anak camni.Paling best bile boleh bawak mak,bini and adik jalan2 hujung minggu,pergi mall,ice skating,makan sushi king,jalan2 i-City.Aku plak yang jeles~ haha.(sekurang2 nye ade org belanja aku hari ni~).Ni yg buat ak rajin nk ke sushi king pas ni,bnyk menu yg nk kena try ni...ho ho

Kata shide dia nk apply rumah,kalau dapat nak ajak aku lepak skali.Cantik la tu.Cerah masa depan aku~

This few weeks,life aku jadi messy.Things kat office pun mcm tak berapa nak lancar.Ade bnyk bnda yg aku kena kukuhkan dulu.If i made a mistake,it will ruin my future.So aku kena struggle lebih sikit,but aku mcm x berapa nak semangat,tak macam 1st month aku msk keja.Well maybe motivation ade lari sikit.Macam nak kena cari sumber inspirasi lagi la pasni..haihz..leceh betul.Just one word can change my day,month or year dari zero to something.

Thx for today,i see "something".Tak tau macam mana nak describe,but kind of aku rasa yg aku overthinking tentang life aku.Why not aku try tuk take it easy, dan focus atas perkara yg aku sangat2 perlukan.


Masa kecik2 aku pernah berangan(jangan gelak) tuk buat benda2 ni,agak merepek tp budak2 bese ar kan.So antara benda yg aku terfikir akan buat bile besar nanti(sekarang ar~):

- Menetap di bandar besar,so ak blh pergi jalan2 kt mall,cari kedai makanan,or just wasting time jalan2 tngk keadaan sekeliling.

- Ada rumah sewa,which aku boleh try and error masak sendiri,beli perabot and design interior dlm rumah.Tanam pokok kaktus dan bela 3 ekor anak kucing yg comel!! (0_o)

- Ada motor sendiri so boleh gerak ke mana2 easily,ujung minggu g kedai sushi,lepak kat kedai buku,kinokuniya,or tengok brg2 anime,or lepak kat taman baca buku.

- Ada kerja tetap.So aku boleh belanja org makan,belikan something yg drg nak.

- Nek moto dengan gaya yg cool,pastu berhenti kat trafic light.Makan gula2.Pastu ade budak kecik kat keta sebelah tngk,dgn cool nye aku hulur gula2 kat dia sambil senyum..(wahaha ok yg ni xleh blah nye cool gile kot klo dpt buat)

- Belajar men piano.

- Beli console game (ps,xbox,wii or psp)

- Bawak anak sedara aku jalan2 and belanja drg makan kat bandar.(uncle yg cool) 

- Beli gundam.

- Pergi ke kedai roti, dan accidently jumpe awek yg jual roti,pastu ujung minggu terus rajin dtg~ (haha ok yg ni pun merepek gak,pengaruh komik melampau)

- Lepak bwh pokok sakura sambil kasik makan kat redfox~

So almost semua tu agak merepek,but not impossible to achieve.Luckly some of them help me tuk betul2 bersungguh2 dlm life.Walaupun sampai sekarang ni baru 2/5 dari list aku dapat achieve,but the point is its help me alot to believe that I'm not a dreamer. =)

aku copy paste lagu ni,mls nk taip,so sry klo ade background putih tu~ huhu


Holding our hurt hands together again and again
Walking on this road of nothing but anxiety
Within the days that slowly flowed by
The things that we gained
Are so warm and lovely
Hey, while the time is still like this, let’s laugh and walk
Because you’re here, I can advance forward
Now our thoughts become one
And show us the road, so don’t ever let go of my hand…
When I look back, you’re always there
And I was able to walk in the deep, dark forest
Certainly we’ve stumbled
But the thread that we tied
Won’t become undone so easily
Hey, while the time is still like this, let’s support ourselves and walk
Because I’m here, we should advance forward
Now our wishes, one by one
Turn into the road, so I’ll walk on with my feet
The important thing now turns into you
Hey, while the time is still like this, let’s laugh and walk
Because you’re here, I can advance forward
Now our thoughts become one
And show us the road, so I’ll never, ever let go of my hand…
p/s:it's a cat job to wait for its owner to give food,and the owner job to give the cat food on time. =)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Time to go

Resume the journey,
And so i have to leave the team.

Untill then..goodbye
